Overcoming Obstacles & Getting Extraordinary Results by Blake Lindsay | Envision Dallas
Blake Lindsay, Outreach Manager at Envision Dallas, has big headphones on and is talking into a big radio microphone

Overcoming Obstacles by Blake Lindsay

Overcoming Obstacles & Getting Extraordinary Results


This has been the motto of Blake Lindsay’s extraordinary life. Blake has been totally blind since infancy. As a result, he has spent most of his life dealing with obstacles and overcoming the challenges of life. In this inspiring book, you’ll learn how to face your fears, lead with confidence and much more in order to get extraordinary results. 

Book cover of Blake Linday's new book, Overcoming Obstacles and Getting Extraordinary Results

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Your Gift Matters

We invite you to Envision the Possibilities where your gift changes the lives of people who are blind or visually impaired. 

Please fill out the form on this page or to mail donations, please make checks payable to "Envision Dallas Lighthouse Foundation" and mail to PO Box 670218, Dallas, TX 75267-0218.

About the Author

Blake Lindsay is the Manager of Outreach with Envision Dallas. He has been with Envision Dallas and its predecessor organization, Dallas Lighthouse for the Blind, for twelve years and his passion is to improve people’s perception of blindness.

Prior to joining Envision Dallas, Blake worked with several recognized companies including the Zig Ziglar Corporation, Dallas Area Rapid Transit and Bank of America. 

He is also a well-known voice talent on top Texas, Kansas and Indiana radio stations and manages his own production company Blazin’ Blake Productions. He has produced nationwide radio and TV commercials in addition to creating specialized branding for companies. Overcoming Obstacles is Blake's third published book. His other titles include Out of Sight Living: A Sightless Person with Pure Vision, and Blind for a Purpose, Turning Life Challenges into Purpose in Life.

Totally blind since infancy from Retinoblastoma, an eye cancer that begins in the retina, Blake Lindsay offers a unique perspective on aspects of Envision’s employment, workforce development, education and outreach programs for people who are blind or visually impaired.

Blake standing in front of the camera smiling as he holds his book.